5 Useful House Hunting Tips For First Timers
Posted On May 30, 2017
If you’re a first-time house hunter, no doubt you’re feeling a little overwhelmed as selecting a home is no simple task. Here are a few tips to help you do so successfully.
- Know what exactly you need from your home – Even before you contact your real estate agent, you’ve got to sit down and make a list of requirements that you have for your potential home. If you’ll be sharing the home with someone else, make sure to include them in this discussion. Everything from the distance from work, the ideal kinds of neighborhoods (urban/family friendly/a particular area of your city), car park requirements (single car/double car), whether it’s an apartment, condo, or town house, and even the amount of security you want needs to be discussed and decided on. This makes hunting for a home and selecting it much easier.
- Take your time, do your own research – Whether it’s after you’ve selected your ideal home, or when you’re teetering between choices, try not to rush yourself. As it’s a pretty permanent investment, be very sure of your choice. Don’t take anyone for their word alone; even your real estate agent. Remember, it’s their job to sell you a home; not the perfect one for you. Do your research, and make sure you know all the details.
- Talk to the neighbors – Talking to your potential neighbors can be a bigger advantage of condo bts http://www.theagent.co.th/ than you think. Not only will you get a feel of them beforehand, you can also question them about the neighborhood. In the case of apartments, it’s a good idea to discreetly ask them about the landlord too; as a nosy landlord can become more than an inconvenience at times. Don’t forget to ask about the neighborhood crime rate, general security of the area, and also the convenient and inconvenient things about the area.
- Visit the home at different occasions – Never make a decision on a house from a single visit. Take the time out and visit in at different times and occasions; day, night, weekdays and weekends. This will definitely show you different shades of the area and give you a general idea about the traffic too.
- Make sure you feel safe – Feeling safe in your home is not an option; it’s a must. After all, if you don’t feel safe, not only will you not be able to relax in peace, you’ll also never want to leave home in fear of home break ins. Do a thorough research on the crime rate of the area, as well as the existing security measures. Find out if you can customize this if you want (for apartments), and if you’ll have any restrictions when and if you do.